FileRequiredValidator() doesn't work when using MultipleFileField() in my form FileRequiredValidator() doesn't work when using MultipleFileField() in my form flask flask

FileRequiredValidator() doesn't work when using MultipleFileField() in my form

This works for me (found on GitHub "between the lines"):

multi_file = MultipleFileField("Upload File(s)", validators=[DataRequired()])


FileAllowed(["xml", "jpg"])

is ignored and does not work for me.

EDIT:No, sadly, it does not work... It returns True for form.validate() and for form.validate_on_submit() but when you pass no files, by deleting



<input id="multi_file" multiple="" name="multi_file" required="" type="file">

and submit a form, it still evaluate that as True.

So problem sill persist in full, as described...

Regarding FileAllowed validator , it is not working because FileAllowed validator expect one FileStorage object , but MultipleFileField is sending a list of Filestorage objects , which is why it is not working . You have to implement a MultiFileAllowed validator yourself. For More details StackOverflow answer explained with example.

This approach seems to solve the one part of the problem and it uses j-query, which I was unfamiliar with until this point.So since I am a novice when it comes to web-dev, I was looking for a python based approach to this one. I don't think it exists just yet.Will update when I fix the multiple file upload issue.Jsfiddle link

jQuery.validator.setDefaults({  debug: true,  success: "valid"});$( "#myform" ).validate({  rules: {    ":file": {      required: true,      accept: "image/*"    }  }});


<form id="myform"><label for="field">Required, image files only: </label><input type="file" class="left" id="field" name="field" multiple><br/><input type="submit" value="Validate!"></form><script src=""></script><script src=""></script><script src=""></script>

Since I was using wtforms, I tried something called a validation class and inline validators that seems to do the trick.

 """Validation Class for RoomUpload"""class MyRoomValidator(object):    def __init__(self, message=None):        if not message:            message = u"You need to upload the images with the category as well"        self.message = message    def __call__(self, form, field):        print(len(        print((        if (not and == -1) or( and == -1) or (not and != -1):#check for all possible combinations            raise ValidationError(self.message)class RoomUpload(FlaskForm):    """    This is meant for the sub-form for room details upload    containing the details for room and its subtype    roomImage:Upload the room image    roomTypeSelect:The subcategory for room category    The Form will only be submitted if the images  are uploaded and    the RoomType will be selected    """    def validate_roomTypeSelect(form, field):#Inline Validator to ensure if default choice is not chosen       print(       if == -1:            raise ValidationError('Need to Select Room Type')    def validate_roomImage(form,field):        for roomFile in            print(roomFile.filename)            if  isanImageFile(roomFile.filename) == False:                 raise ValidationError("Error!!! Not an Image File ")    roomImage = MultipleFileField(u"Room",validators=[MyRoomValidator(),FileAllowed],id = "roomImage")    roomTypeSelect= SelectField("Room Type",choices=roomTypes,coerce=int,id="roomTypeSelect")    roomSubmit = SubmitField("Upload the images  of the room")