Flask Access-Control-Allow-Origin for multiple URLs Flask Access-Control-Allow-Origin for multiple URLs flask flask

Flask Access-Control-Allow-Origin for multiple URLs

This is typical scenario when working locally with multiple instances of the same frontend project accessing together to a local Flask server, and when the wildcard "*" is not allowed because you are allowing credentials (i.e. using a JWT authentication).

My approach - in development - is to use the after_request decorator and Flask's request context.

Create a domain whitelist:

white = ['http://localhost:8080','http://localhost:9000']

Now use the after_request decorator to intercept all incoming requests, check if the referrer is in your whitelist and, if it is, inject the response.headers to allow access to the origin. For example:

from flask import request@app.after_requestdef add_cors_headers(response):    r = request.referrer[:-1]    if r in white:        response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', r)        response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true')        response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type')        response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Cache-Control')        response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'X-Requested-With')        response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Authorization')        response.headers.add('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE')    return response

Simple example,try it!
I hope it will help you.You need to edit white_origin for 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'.

app_name.py (Python file of Flask )

from flask import request@app.after_requestdef after_request(response):    white_origin= ['http://www.dom.com:8000','http://localhost']    if request.headers['Origin'] in white_origin:        response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = request.headers['Origin']         response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'PUT,GET,POST,DELETE'        response.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'Content-Type,Authorization'    return response