Flask Admin but for AIOHTTP Flask Admin but for AIOHTTP flask flask

Flask Admin but for AIOHTTP

Which exactly functionality do you lack in aiohttp admin? Please note the demos https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp_admin/tree/master/demos, they might contain fully or partially what you're looking for.

If you prefer to use jinja2 templates then aiohttp_admin2 is better for your case. The setup of aiohttp_admin2 is very simple and good cover into the documentation.

from aiohttp import webfrom aiohttp_admin2 import setup_adminapp = web.Application()# setup admin interfacesetup_admin(app)web.run_app(app)

It doesn't cover all flask-admin features, but you can add your own views or automatically generate CRUD views based on sqlAlchemy's models (or mongodb models) without JavaScript code.

This link to the official repository you can find here. Here you can find documentation with demo and examples of code.