Flask-Admin User Read/Write Settings Per Row Flask-Admin User Read/Write Settings Per Row flask flask

Flask-Admin User Read/Write Settings Per Row

It's pretty simple to override the queries that are produced by the backend in Flask Admin - you can do some quite complex things. Remember to override all of the below - especially get_one().

class BaseModelView(ModelView):    def is_accessible(self):        # if not authenticated we can't see this        if not login.current_user.is_authenticated():            return False        return True    def get_query(self):        return query.filter(self.model.parent_user_id.any(id=login.current_user.id))    def get_count_query(self):        # faster count query!        query = self.session.query(func.count('*')).select_from(self.model).filter(self.model.location_id == login.current_user.id)        return query    def get_one(self, id):        """            Return a single model by its id.            :param id:                Model id        """        result = self.session.query(self.model).get(iterdecode(id))        # if the users location does not exist and she is only allowed to edit locations they control        if login.current_user.id != result.parent_user_id:            app.logger.warn('You are not allowed to edit entries for this user.')            abort(404)        return result