Flask app raises a 500 error with no exception Flask app raises a 500 error with no exception flask flask

Flask app raises a 500 error with no exception

After beating my head against this some more I finally figured it out thanks to the awesome people on the pocoo google group (I have since learned that there is a separate list for flask). Firstly, I needed to turn on the PROPAGATE_EXCEPTIONS option in my app configuration (http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/config/#builtin-configuration-values).

After that was done I realized there was an issue with not returning a response from a view function, which Flask interpreted this method as. Since that was the case, this issue was resolved by just adding:

return jsonify(result={"status": 200})

To the end of the try block. I hope this helps someone in a similar situation in the future.

I had the same issue, but the underlying cause was different than the one in Slater's response:

I was muting the logger that the stack trace goes to. Be sure that you are not filtering out the flask.app logger, which is where the exception stack traces go to (note that this is different than the flask server's informational logs, named app.api).