Flask app with "submodules" Flask app with "submodules" flask flask

Flask app with "submodules"

You can use the following project structure:

app    api        -todo            -__init__.py            -other_apis.py        -newsletter            -__init__.py            -other_apis.py    __init__.py

In the app.api.todo.__init__.py:

from flask import Blueprinttodo = Blueprint("todo", __name__)

In the app.api.newsletter.__init__.py:

from flask import Blueprintnewsletter = Blueprint("newsletter", __name__)

In the app.__init__.py:

from flask import FLaskapp = Flask(__name__)from app.api.todo import todofrom app.api.newsletter import newsletterapp.register_blueprint(todo, url_prefix="/api/todo")app.register_blueprint(newsletter, url_prefix="/api/newsletter")if __name__ == "__main__":    app.run()

And you can change which blueprint is registered and what url prefix bound to blueprint with environment variable.