flask cache: list keys based on a pattern? flask cache: list keys based on a pattern? flask flask

flask cache: list keys based on a pattern?

Flask-Cache looks outdated. You can switch to Flask-Caching which is maintained fork of Flask-Cache.

Delete the Redis key by pattern

You have two options :

  1. Connect to Redis separately using the redis package. Use core commands provided by the package to search for keys based on a pattern, and delete them.
  2. Use protected methods of the Flask-Cache / Flask-Caching to get access to the underlying Redis object, and use core commands on that object to search for keys based on a pattern, and delete them.

Option 1: Separate connection to Redis

# python utility for redisimport redisr = redis.Redis(host=REDIS_HOST, port=REDIS_PORT, db=REDIS_DB, password=REDIS_PASSWORD)def delete_pattern(pattern: str) -> int:    """Remove all keys matching pattern.    """    count = 0    for key in r.scan_iter(pattern):        r.delete(key)        count += 1    return count# pass pattern to deleteCACHE_URL_PAT = "flask_cache*auth*"delete_pattern(CACHE_URL_PAT)

Option 2: Use the protected methods to get access to the underlying Redis connection object

⚠️ Even though this works fine, but these are undocumented methods. I went through the source code on GitHub to create this function.Tested only for CACHE_TYPE = 'redis'

# initialised cache object stored in extensions filefrom app.extensions import cachedef delete_pattern(pattern):    status = False    binary_keys = cache.cache._read_clients.keys(pattern)    keys = [k.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore") for k in binary_keys if k]    if keys:        status = cache.cache._write_client.delete(*keys)    return status# pass pattern to deleteCACHE_URL_PAT = "flask_cache*auth*"delete_pattern(CACHE_URL_PAT)

NOTE : flask_cache_ is default CACHE_KEY_PREFIX in Flask-Caching. If you have used some other value for CACHE_KEY_PREFIX, please use that (instead of flask_cache_) as the prefix for your search pattern.

Flask cache plugin does not provide any access point to raw redis commands.You can use redis-py to connect to same redis instance and database to delete keys by pattern.