flask - Display database from python to html flask - Display database from python to html flask flask

flask - Display database from python to html

You can pass your data using render_template() like this:

cur = con.cursor()cur.execute("SELECT * FROM dataset")data = cur.fetchall()render_template('template.html', data=data)

Then in your template, iterate over the rows, for example you could render table rows for each row:

{% for item in data %}<tr>    <td>{{item[0]}}</td>    <td>{{item[1]}}</td>    ...</tr>{% endfor %}

render_template allows you to pass variables to html, and jinja2 help you to manipulate it. You only need to format your query result and send it within render_template



@app.route('/test')def test_route():    user_details = {        'name': 'John',        'email': 'john@doe.com'    }    return render_template('test.html', user=user_details)


<!DOCTYPE html><html>    <head>        <title>test</title>    </head>    <body>        <!-- use {{}} to access the render_template vars-->        <p>{{user.name}}</p>        <p>{{user.email}}</p>    </body></html>

to make the most of jinja2, take a look at his Documentation

Suppose you have table_name = user_info and let's visualize it:

id| name | email | phone |1 | Eltac | eltac@gmail.com | +99421112 |

You can do something like this:


from flask import Flask, render_templateimport mysql.connectormydatabase = mysql.connector.connect(    host = 'localhost(or any other host)', user = 'name_of_user',    passwd = 'db_password', database = 'database_name')mycursor = mydatabase.cursor()#There you can add home page and others. It is completely depends on you@app.route('/example.html')def example():   mycursor.execute('SELECT * FROM user_info')   data = mycursor.fetchall()   return render_template('example.html', output_data = data)

In the above code we use fetchall() method that's why ID is also included automatically

(Header html tag and others are ignored. I write only inside of body)example.html

--snip--<table>    <thead>    <tr>        <th>ID</th>        <th>Name</th>        <th>Email</th>        <th>Phone</th>    </tr>    </thead>    <tbody>        {% for row in output_data %} <-- Using these '{%' and '%}' we can write our python code -->            <tr>                <td>{{row[0]}}</td>                <td>{{row[1]}}</td>                <td>{{row[2]}}</td>                <td>{{row[3]}}</td>            </tr>        {% endfor %}        <-- Because it is flask framework there would be other keywords like 'endfor'   -->    </tbody></table>--snip--

And finally you get expected result