Flask - how to get query string parameters into the route parameters Flask - how to get query string parameters into the route parameters flask flask

Flask - how to get query string parameters into the route parameters

You would need to use JavaScript to achieve this so your template would become:

<input type='text' id='address'> <button onclick="sendUrl();">submit</button><script>    function sendUrl(){        window.location.assign("/sales/"+document.getElementById("address").value);    }</script>

and your routes similar to before:

@app.route('/sales/')@app.route('/sales/<address>')def get_sales(address="Nowhere"):  # do some magic here  # render template of sales  return "The address is "+address

However, this is not the best way of doing this kind of thing. An alternative approach is to have flask serve data and use a single-page-application framework in javascript to deal with the routes from a user interface perspective.

There is a difference between the request made when the form is submitted and the response returned. Leave the query string as is, as that is the normal way to interact with a form. When you get a query, process it then redirect to the url you want to display to the user.

@app.route('/sales')@app.route('/sales/<address>')def sales(address=None):    if 'address' in request.args:        # process the address        return redirect(url_for('sales', address=address_url_value)    # address wasn't submitted, show form and address details

I'm not sure there's a way to access the query string like that. The route decorators only work on the base url (minus the query string)

If you want the address in your route handler then you can access it like this:

request.args.get('address', None)

and your route handler will look more like:

@pp.route('/sales')def get_sales():    address = request.args.get('address', None)

But if I were to add my 2 cents, you may want to use POST as the method for your form posting. It makes it easier to semantically separate getting data from the Web server (GET) and sending data to the webserver (POST) :)