Flask JSON serializable error because of flask babel Flask JSON serializable error because of flask babel flask flask

Flask JSON serializable error because of flask babel

The issue is that your error message is a _LazyString object returned by lazy_gettext, not a string. Normally, this wouldn't be an issue because displaying it in a template would call str() on it, causing it to evaluate the translation. However, you are collecting the objects in error_list, and then passing them to jsonify, and json has no serializer for these objects.

You need to tell Flask's JSON serializer how to handle these objects. Write a custom serializer then assign it to app.json_encoder.

from flask._compat import text_typefrom flask.json import JSONEncoder as BaseEncoderfrom speaklater import _LazyStringclass JSONEncoder(BaseEncoder):    def default(self, o):        if isinstance(o, _LazyString):            return text_type(o)        return BaseEncoder.default(self, o)app.json_encoder = JSONEncoder

Change davidism's solution to

return str(o.encode('UTF-8'))

to work on Python 2 instead.