Flask-Migrate "ModuleNotFoundError" Flask-Migrate "ModuleNotFoundError" flask flask

Flask-Migrate "ModuleNotFoundError"

I can see that you solved the problem, but I want to show you the simpler solution than installing flask-script and creating manage.py file. You just have to delete __init__.py file that is at the same level as app.py file. It solved the problem for me. Cheers :)

To solve your problem I will suggest using flask_script instead flask cli. Simply create manage.py file in your root directory and then do as follows:

from flask_migrate import Migrate, MigrateCommandfrom flask_script import Managermigrate = Migrate(app, db)manager = Manager(app)manager.add_command('db', MigrateCommand)

To launch migration simply do:python manage.py db migrate or python3 manage.py migrate (depends on your PATH configuration)