Flask not using curl auth Flask not using curl auth flask flask

Flask not using curl auth

You need to configure mod_wsgi to pass authorization headers to your flask application.

From the Flask-HTTPAuth docs:

Be aware that some web servers do not pass the Authorization headers to the WSGI application by default.

also, from the docs for verify_password:

If this callback is defined, it is also invoked when the request does not have the Authorization header with user credentials, and in this case both the username and password arguments are set to empty strings.

... this can explain the output you are seeing.

Since you are using Apache with mod_wsgi you should set the WSGIPassAuthorization directive to On (its default is Off) in your Apache configuration.

Thanks @jeremy-allen it was that.

So if something like this blocks you (and that you're using mod_wsgi).

Follow the links: https://flask-httpauth.readthedocs.org/en/latest/#deployment-considerations and https://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/ConfigurationDirectives#WSGIPassAuthorization

You probably miss the WSGIPassAuthorization variable in your apache configuration.
