Flask-Principal, Flask-Login, remember_me and identity_loaded Flask-Principal, Flask-Login, remember_me and identity_loaded flask flask

Flask-Principal, Flask-Login, remember_me and identity_loaded

On before_request, flask-principal runs the identity_loaders one at a time until any identity is found.If it doesn't find any identity, identity_loaded won't be called.

The first identity_loader is always the session loader by default.

When you restart the browser, the session will be gone, so flask-principal can't load any identity thus your identity_loaded callback won't be called. But you're still logged in because flask-login's cookie 'remember_token' expires in 31 days.

So, to get rid of this idiosyncrasy, you can add new identity_loader, which will only run when session expires.

principal = Principal(app)@principal.identity_loaderdef load_identity_when_session_expires():    if hasattr(current_user, 'id'):        return Identity(current_user.id)