flask render_template with url parameter flask render_template with url parameter flask flask

flask render_template with url parameter

You could use redirect function, which can redirect you whatever you want:

@app.route('/book')def hello():    file = request.args.get('file')    if not file:        return redirect("/?file=abc.pdf")    return render_template('book.html', paraKey=paraValue)

You can get the parameter that have been passed in the request url by using the request object.

    @app.route("/book", methods=["GET"])    def get_book():        file = request.args.get("file")        if file:            return render_template('book.html', file=file)        abort(401, description="Missing file parameter in request url")

This topic helped me reslove my question, but it seems not the perfect answer.code viewer.py not changed.Solution is:

step1)I embed the code

<script>var FILE_PATH = {{ file }}</script>

in template.

step2)the script that will use the variable need to modify the code(viewer.js),from:

var file = 'file' in params ? params.file : DEFAULT_URL



It let viewer.js not independent anymore.

I hope someone provide a better solution.