Flask send stream as response Flask send stream as response flask flask

Flask send stream as response

There should not be any problem with your "classic" proxy other than that it should use stream=True, and specify a chunk_size for response.iter_content().

By default chunk_size is 1 byte, so the streaming will be very inefficient and consequently very slow. Trying a larger chunk size, e.g. 10K should yield faster transfers. Here's some code for the proxy.

import requestsfrom flask import Flask, Response, stream_with_contextapp = Flask(__name__)my_path_to_server01 = 'http://localhost:5000/'@app.route("/")def streamed_proxy():    r = requests.get(my_path_to_server01, stream=True)    return Response(r.iter_content(chunk_size=10*1024),                    content_type=r.headers['Content-Type'])if __name__ == "__main__":    app.run(port=1234)

You don't even need to use stream_with_context() here because you don't need access to the request context within the generator returned by iter_content().