Flask: serve assets without leading slash using url_for Flask: serve assets without leading slash using url_for flask flask

Flask: serve assets without leading slash using url_for

I was having a similar issue with loading a css file that was on a custom static path.One fix could be to change the ROOT_DIRECTORY of the application, but this didn't work for my application as I only need to change the static path.

I used a combination of static_folder and static_url_path:

STATIC_URL_PATH = '/your/custom/path/static' # Where the css is storedSTATIC_FOLDER = 'your/custom/path/static'app = Flask(__name__, static_folder=STATIC_FOLDER,            static_url_path=STATIC_URL_PATH)

As you can see, the main difference is the leading / in the beginning, but this made the app to be able to find the css.