flask - something more strict than @api.expect for input data? flask - something more strict than @api.expect for input data? flask flask

flask - something more strict than @api.expect for input data?

Instead of using a dictionary for your fields, try using a RequestParser (flask-restplus accepts both as documented here. That way, you can call parser.parse_args(strict=True) which will throw a 400 Bad Request exception if any unknown fields are present in your input data.

my_resource_parser = api.parser()my_resource_parser.add_argument('name', type=str, default='string: name', required=True)my_resource_parser.add_argument('state', type=str, default='string: state')@api.route('/my-resource/<id>')class MyResource(Resource):    def post(self):        args = my_resource_parser.parse_args(strict=True)        ...

For more guidance on how to use the request_parser with your resource, check out the ToDo example app in the flask-restplus repo.

Here is another answer to complete the one from @shiv. The following code snippet allows you to have your payload documented in the Swagger doc generated by Flask Restplus. Taken from the documentation about the expect decorator:

my_resource_parser = api.parser()my_resource_parser.add_argument('name', type=str, default='string: name', required=True)my_resource_parser.add_argument('state', type=str, default='string: state')@api.route('/my-resource/<id>', endpoint='with-parser')class MyResource(Resource):    @api.expect(my_resource_parser)    def post(self):        args = my_resource_parser.parse_args(strict=True)        ...

For those that want to continue using the api.model rather than request parser, it's possible to iterate over your input (assuming list) versus the model. The model behaves like a dictionary.

from flask_restplus import abortdef check_exact(response_list, model):    for response_dict in response_list:        for key in response_dict:            if key not in model:                abort(400, "Non-specified fields added", field=key)


@ns.expect(my_model, validate=True)def post(self, token):    """Add new set of responses    """    check_exact(api.payload['responses'], my_model)    ...