Flask test_client removes query string parameters Flask test_client removes query string parameters flask flask

Flask test_client removes query string parameters

I've just found out a workaround.


data = {    'param1': 'somevalue1',    'param2': 'somevalue2'}response = self.client.get(url_for("api.my-service", **data))

into this:

data = {    'param1': 'somevalue1',    'param2': 'somevalue2'}response = self.client.get(url_for("api.my-service"), query_string = data)

This works but seems a bit unintuitive, and debugging there is a place where the provided query string in the URI is thrown away ....

But anyway this works for the moment.

I know this is an old post, but I ran into this too. There's an open issue about this in the flask github repository. It appears this is intended behavior. From a response in the issue thread:

mitsuhiko commented on Jul 24, 2013
That's currently intended behavior. The first parameter to the test client should be a relative url. If it's not, then the parameters are removed as it's treated as if it was url joined with the second. This works:

>>> from flask import Flask, request>>> app = Flask(__name__)>>> app.testing = True>>> @app.route('/')... def index():...  return request.url... >>> c = app.test_client()>>> c.get('/?foo=bar').data'http://localhost/?foo=bar'

One way to convert your absolute url into a relative url and keep the query string is to use urlparse:

from urlparse import urlparseabsolute_url = "http://someurl.com/path/to/endpoint?q=test"parsed = urlparse(absolute_url)path = parsed[2] or "/"query = parsed[4]relative_url = "{}?{}".format(path, query)print relative_url

For me the solution was to use the client within with statements:

with app.app_context():    with app.test_request_context():        with app.test_client() as client:            client.get(...)

instead of

client = app.test_client()client.get(...)

I put the creation of the test client in a fixture, so that it is "automatically" created for each test method:

from my_back_end import MyBackEndsut = Noneapp = Noneclient = None@pytest.fixture(autouse=True)def before_each():    global sut, app, client    sut = MyBackEnd()    app = sut.create_application('frontEndPathMock')    with app.app_context():        with app.test_request_context():                            with app.test_client() as client:                yield