Flask Upload Image to S3 without saving it to local file system Flask Upload Image to S3 without saving it to local file system flask flask

Flask Upload Image to S3 without saving it to local file system

iTo achieve that with a FileStorage, I use the method put_object():

from werkzeug import secure_filename@user_api.route('upload-profile-photo', methods=['PUT'])@Auth.auth_requireddef upload_profile_photo():    """    Upload User Profile Photo    """    key = Auth.auth_user()    bucket = 'profile-photos'    content_type = request.mimetype    image_file = request.files['file']    client = boto3.client('s3',                          region_name='sfo2',                          endpoint_url='https://example.xxx.amazonaws.com',                          aws_access_key_id=os.environ['ACCESS_KEY'],                          aws_secret_access_key=os.environ['SECRET_KEY'])    filename = secure_filename(image_file.filename)  # This is convenient to validate your filename, otherwise just use file.filename    client.put_object(Body=image_file,                      Bucket=bucket,                      Key=filename,                      ContentType=content_type)    return custom_response({'message': 'image uploaded'}, 200)

Note the call to secure_filename() is optional (you can simply pass image_file.filename), but can be very handy to validate the filename. Otherwise it would be nice to add some exception handlings, but the rough idea is here: no need to open() the file (that would need to be stored locally).

I encourage to have a look at the documentation here, to understand the difference with upload_fileobj()

  import boto3     s3 = boto3.client(            "s3",            aws_access_key_id= "*************",            aws_secret_access_key="**********"        )   @login_blueprint.route('/uploadfile', methods=['POST'])         file= request.files['file']                 try:                    filename = secure_filename(file.filename)                    acl="public-read"                    s3.upload_fileobj(                        file,                        'bucket-name',                        file.filename,                        ExtraArgs={                            "ACL": acl,                            "ContentType":  file.content_type                        }                    )                 except Exception as e:                    resp = jsonify(e)                    resp.status_code =200                    return resp