Flask/Werkzeug, how to return previous page after login Flask/Werkzeug, how to return previous page after login flask flask

Flask/Werkzeug, how to return previous page after login

I think standard practice is to append the URL to which the user needs to be redirected after a successful login to the end of the login URL's querystring.

You'd change your decorator to something like this (with redundancies in your decorator function also removed):

def logged_in(f):    @wraps(f)    def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):        if session.get('logged_in') is not None:            return f(*args, **kwargs)        else:            flash('Please log in first...', 'error')            next_url = get_current_url() # However you do this in Flask            login_url = '%s?next=%s' % (url_for('login'), next_url)            return redirect(login_url)    return decorated_function

You'll have to substitute something for get_current_url(), because I don't know how that's done in Flask.

Then, in your login handler, when the user successfully logs in, you check to see if there's a next parameter in the request and, if so, you redirect them to that URL. Otherwise, you redirect them to some default URL (usually /, I guess).

You could use a query string to keep the file info intact over a click or two. One of the nice things about url_for is how it passes unknown parameters as query strings. So without changing your registration page too much you could do something like this:

def login_required(f):    @wraps(f)    def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs):        if g.user is None:            return redirect(url_for('register', wantsurl = request.path))        return f(*args, **kwargs)    return decorated_function

Here wantsurl will keep track of the url the user landed on. If an unregistered user goes to /download/some/file.txt, login_required will send you to /register?wantsurl=%2Fdownload%2Fsome%2Ffile.txt Then you add a couple of lines to your registration function:

@app.route('/register', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def register():    if request.method == 'GET':        if 'wantsurl' in request.args:            qs = request.args['wantsurl']            return render_template('register.html', wantsurl=qs)    if request.method == 'POST':        if 'wantsurl' in request.form and everything_else_ok:            return redirect(request.form['wantsurl'])

That would automatically redirect to the download on successful registration, provided you have something in the form called 'wantsurl' with the value of qs, or you could have your form submit with a query string; that could just be a little if-else in the template.