Flask WTF CSRF session token missing, secret_key not found Flask WTF CSRF session token missing, secret_key not found flask flask

Flask WTF CSRF session token missing, secret_key not found

{{ form.hidden_tag() }} should expand into something like

<input id="csrf_token" name="csrf_token" type="hidden" value="... long string ...">

If you're not seeing that, double-check how you've set up the configuration parts of your app. Aside from SECRET_KEY, are you setting any of the WTF_ options?

You'll probably want to remove {{ form.csrf_token() }}

No X- headers are involved. (I did a quick check on one of my apps, in case I'd forgotten something.)

See if the "secure" attribute of the cookie is being set. If that's true, and you're calling a non-secure website, the cookie will not be sent. I've seen this be the cause of the CSRF token missing issue.

I met "The CSRF token is missing" issue yesterday and fortunately, I've found the cause for my case. I've deployed my Flask app on Gunicorn + Nginx using sync workers configuration following by this instruction and that's the problem. Flask is NOT working with Gunicorn's sync workers, so moving to threads has resolved my issue.

gunicorn --workers 1 --threads 3 -b wsgi:app