gevent-socketio + Flask + Gunicorn gevent-socketio + Flask + Gunicorn flask flask

gevent-socketio + Flask + Gunicorn

I've got the exact same problem so I solved it by using watchdog.

pip install watchdog

together with this command:

watchmedo shell-command --patterns="*.py*;;*.less;*.css;*.js;*.txt;*.html" --recursive --command='kill -HUP `cat /tmp/` && echo "Reloading code" >> /tmp/gunicorn.log' ~/projectfolder

It requires (well, not really, but I point "Reloading code" into the same logfile so It's a nice thing to have) that you daemonize the gunicorn process, which I do like this:

workers = 2worker_class = 'socketio.sgunicorn.GeventSocketIOWorker'bind = ''pidfile = '/tmp/'debug = Trueloglevel = 'debug'errorlog = '/tmp/gunicorn.log'daemon = True

Start the application:

gunicorn run:app -c

View the log:

tail -f /tmp/gunicorn.log

From this point everything should be reloaded with each change in your project.It's a bit complicated but since gunicorn with a worker (or the built in socketio-server) doesn't have any reloading capabilities I had to do it like this.

It's a different approach compared to the decorator solution in the other answer but I like to keep the actual code clean from development specific solutions. Both accomplish the same thing so I guess you'll just have to pick the solution you like. :)

Oh, as an added bonus you get to use the production server in development which means both environments match each other.

I've been looking into this subject lately. I don't think you can easily use autoreload feature with Flask + + Gunicorn. Gunicorn is a production server that does not allow such features natively.

However, I found a nice solution for my development server : user SocketIOServer provided with the library and a Flask snippet for autoreload. Here is the startup script ( :

from myapp import appfrom gevent import monkeyfrom socketio.server import SocketIOServerimport werkzeug.serving# necessary for autoreload (at least)monkey.patch_all()PORT = 5000@werkzeug.serving.run_with_reloaderdef runServer():    print 'Listening on %s...' % PORT    ws = SocketIOServer(('', PORT), app, resource="", policy_server=False)    ws.serve_forever()runServer()

This solution is inspired from :

I've made some tweaks to Werkzeug debugger so it now works with namespaces, see below and enjoy :)