gunicorn ImportError: No module named flask gunicorn ImportError: No module named flask flask flask

gunicorn ImportError: No module named flask

i think you forget to add app when run gunicorn

gunicorn --bind wsgi:app

it will run like this

→ gunicorn --bind wsgi:app[2021-06-06 12:39:44 +0700] [54561] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 20.1.0[2021-06-06 12:39:44 +0700] [54561] [INFO] Listening at: (54561)[2021-06-06 12:39:44 +0700] [54561] [INFO] Using worker: sync[2021-06-06 12:39:44 +0700] [54563] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 54563

and tested like this

→ curl http://localhost:8000Hello World%