How do I send data from JS to Python with Flask? How do I send data from JS to Python with Flask? flask flask

How do I send data from JS to Python with Flask?

To get data from Javascript to Python with Flask, you either make an AJAX POST request or AJAX GET request with your data.

Flask has six HTTP methods available, of which we only need the GET and POST. Both will take jsdata as a parameter, but get it in different ways. That's how two completely different languages in two different environments like Python and Javascript exchange data.

First, instantiate a GET route in Flask:

@app.route('/getmethod/<jsdata>')def get_javascript_data(jsdata):    return jsdata

or a POST one:

@app.route('/postmethod', methods = ['POST'])def get_post_javascript_data():    jsdata = request.form['javascript_data']    return jsdata

The first one is accessed by /getmethod/<javascript_data> with an AJAX GET as follows:

$.get( "/getmethod/<javascript_data>" );

The second one by using an AJAX POST request:

$.post( "/postmethod", {    javascript_data: data });

Where javascript_data is either a JSON dict or a simple value.

In case you choose JSON, make sure you convert it to a dict in Python:




@app.route('/getmethod/<jsdata>')def get_javascript_data(jsdata):    return json.loads(jsdata)[0]


@app.route('/postmethod', methods = ['POST'])def get_post_javascript_data():    jsdata = request.form['javascript_data']    return json.loads(jsdata)[0]

If you need to do it the other way around, pushing Python data down to Javascript, create a simple GET route without parameters that returns a JSON encoded dict:

@app.route('/getpythondata')def get_python_data():    return json.dumps(pythondata)

Retrieve it from JQuery and decode it:

$.get("/getpythondata", function(data) {    console.log($.parseJSON(data))})

The [0] in json.loads(jsdata)[0] is there because when you decode a JSON encoded dict in Python, you get a list with the single dict inside, stored at index 0, so your JSON decoded data looks like this:

[{'foo':'bar','baz':'jazz'}] #[0: {'foo':'bar','baz':'jazz'}]

Since what we need is the just the dict inside and not the list, we get the item stored at index 0 which is the dict.

Also, import json.


... id="clickMe" onclick="doFunction();">


    function doFunction()    {        const name = document.getElementById("name_").innerHTML        $.ajax({            url: '{{ url_for('view.path') }}',            type: 'POST',            data: {                name: name            },            success: function (response) {            },            error: function (response) {            }        });    };


@app.route("path", methods=['GET', 'POST'])def view():    name = request.form.get('name')    ...