How render binary image in javascript How render binary image in javascript flask flask

How render binary image in javascript

You should take a look here for encoding a binary to base64 with python. Once you got it, send the string to your app (frontend) as a response, then you can add something like:

<img id="myImgTag" src="data:image/png;base64, YOUR_BASE64_STRING_FROM_RESPONSE"></img>

You can add it with javascript with something like:

let img = document.getElementById('myImgTag').setAttribute('src','data:image/png;base64, YOUR_BASE64_STRING_FROM_RESPONSE')


To read the file and encode it to base64 do the following:

import base64...myImage = open('your_file_name','rb')myBase64File = base64.b64encode(

Then just use Flask to send 'myBase64File' var as you want (might be inside a JSON, as plain text, etc.)