How to access Backbone Fetch data server side How to access Backbone Fetch data server side flask flask

How to access Backbone Fetch data server side

@app.route('/my_url_here/<entityId>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])

isn't picking up any id because you aren't sending any.

Backbone fetch uses the id field of the model to construct the fetch URL, in your case I would recommend turning the entityId into id:

BB.Politician = Backbone.Model.extend({    defaults: {        type: "Politician"    },    url: "/my_url_here"});var currentUser = new BB.Politician({"id": "1625"});

and let Backbone construct the GET, which would look like:

"/my_url_here/" + this.get('id'); // this refers to model

which turns into


Backbone.Model.url also accepts function as value so you can define your own logic for constructing URLs. For instance, if you must retain the entityId you can construct your url like:

url: function () {    return "/my_url_here" + this.get('entityId');}