How to create new user accounts in python eve api secured with User-Restricted Resource Access How to create new user accounts in python eve api secured with User-Restricted Resource Access flask flask

How to create new user accounts in python eve api secured with User-Restricted Resource Access

One simple solution would be to not restrict your user creation method. Something like so:

class BCryptAuth(BasicAuth):    def check_auth(self, username, password, allowed_roles, resource, method):        # allow anyone to create a new account.        if resource == 'accounts' and method == 'POST':            return True        accounts =['accounts']        account = accounts.find_one({'username': username})        if account and 'user_id' in account:           self.set_request_auth_value(account['user_id'])        return account and bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('utf-8'),account['salt'].encode('utf-8')) == account['password']

Alternatively, and especially so if you only allow POSTing to the account endpoint, you could opt out of authentication for the endpoint:

'accounts': {    # or you could provide a different custom class here,     # so you don't need the guard in the general-purpose auth class.    'authentication': None,    ...}

Hope this helps.