How to display current year in Flask template? How to display current year in Flask template? flask flask

How to display current year in Flask template?

Use a template context processor to pass the current date to every template, then render its year attribute.

from datetime import datetime@app.context_processordef inject_now():    return {'now': datetime.utcnow()}
{{ now.year }}

Or pass the object with render if you don't need it in most templates.

return render_template('show.html', now=datetime.utcnow())

For moment there is Flask Moment. It is powerful like Moment, and easy to use in Flask. To display the year in the user's local time from your Jinja template:

<p>The current year is: {{ moment().format('YYYY') }}.</p>

You can use a JavaScript library like moment.js like this:

<script>document.write(moment("2012-12-31T23:55:13 Z").format('LLLL'));</script>