How to document the post body using flask-ReSTplus? How to document the post body using flask-ReSTplus? flask flask

How to document the post body using flask-ReSTplus?

I have solved it (partially) using the following model

""" Model for documenting the API"""insert_user_data = ns_database.model(    "Insert_user_data",    {        "customer_id": fields.String(description="cust ID", required=True),        "service_id": fields.String(description="service ID", required=True),        "customer_name": fields.String(description="Customer1", required=True),        "site_name": fields.String(description="site", required=True),        "service_type": fields.String(description="service", required=True),    },)@ns_database.route("/insert_user")class database(Resource):    @ns_database.expect(insert_user_data)    def post(self):        """insert data"""        json_data = request.json        customer_id = json_data["customer_id"]        service_id = json_data["service_id"]        customer_name = json_data["customer_name"]        site_name = json_data["site_name"]        service_type = json_data["service_type"]

now the API shows model for data input and an example


Assuming you are using a Flask template to return the /database/insert_user webpage, you could simply make the variable containing database information (customer_id, etc) accessible to where render_template is called, then pass the variable on to it.

For example if you wanted to pass the customer_id variable:

return render_template("insert_user.html", x=customer_id)

assuming insert_user.html is your template file you can then place the data where ever you want it using {{ x }}