How to upload multiple files with additional field react.js flask How to upload multiple files with additional field react.js flask flask flask

How to upload multiple files with additional field react.js flask

Try this. Notice the 'files' key while appending form data. Let me know if it works


let formData = this.state;     const fd = new FormData();     for(const k of formData){        fd.append('files',k.file,;    };

you are not sending a file value, so requests.files['files'] will be empty.

fd.append("file", files[0]); // replace files[0] with your filefd.append("name", "tmp");

now you'll see that requests.files['file'] is filled with your file,and request.form is filled with 'name' key and its value.

note that it's not the key name that fills requests.files, it is filled based on it's value (it should be file object)

you can create a structure like name1 for file1 metadata and name2 for file2 metadata.