Importing app when using Alembic raises ImportError Importing app when using Alembic raises ImportError flask flask

Importing app when using Alembic raises ImportError

alembic just tries to load your source code. It's not in your package, so it can't access your app module.

Use solution 2 @tomasz-jakub-rup suggested, you can execute like

$ PYTHONPATH=. alembic upgrade head

and you should get your result.

I guess you are trying to run


In this case, your app directory is not in PYTHONPATH.

solution 1

Run the app from parent dir:

python alembic/

solution 2

Set the PYTHONPATH before running the app

PYTHONPATH=/path/to/parent/dir python


I read about alembic. As @mrorno said, just set the PYTHONPATH before running alembic:

PYTHONPATH=. alembic upgrade head

Create file .env and insert PYTHONPATH=.