Is there a way to mock flask request object inside a function? Is there a way to mock flask request object inside a function? flask flask

Is there a way to mock flask request object inside a function?

You can use your global request object outside of the process_data method, and pass its attributes to your method:

class ApiDetail():    base_url = request.base_url    view_args = request.view_args    def process_data(self, process_input, base_url, view_args):        try:            request_simple_url = self.handle_url(base_url, view_args)            return self.validate_input(request_simple_url, process_input)        except NotFoundException as e:            return {"error": str(e)}, HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED        #implementation detail    @staticmethod    def handle_url(request_base_url, request_arguments):        #implementation detaildef test_process_data():    with mock.patch('ApiDetail.validate_input', return_value = NotFoundException):        with mock.patch('ApiDetail.handle_url', return_value='test_handled'):            assert ApiDetail.process_data(self=ApiDetail, process_input='test_input', base_url='test_url', view_args='test_args') == NotFoundException