Leaflet circleMarkers don´t show up Leaflet circleMarkers don´t show up flask flask

Leaflet circleMarkers don´t show up

I tried your code, replacing 51.508 with 41.508 (so the red circle is near the marker) and adding just a single circleMarker. It works. So the problem is not in the code.

Please check that you have included leaflet.css from the same locations as leaflet.js. Also check there are no errors in a javascript console (Ctrl+Shift+J in Firefox). Check that coordinates from {{item[0/1]}} are properly formatted (decimal separator is a dot, no extra symbols). Try using more recent version of Leaflet library, 0.7.3.

Ilja, many thanks. You were right the circles were pushed behind the map by a css. In this case, I was also using d3.js for some chart, and as soon as I got rid of nvd3's css the circles showed up.

I've been having the same issue, and it turns out that it is the nv.d3.css file. I found that commenting out these lines will allow you to draw a circle:

display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%;'

I don't know what potential side effects this might have on your page, but I think the main issue is that d3 decides to hijack any svgs that you put on the page.

EDIT: my case was with circles, but I wouldn't be surprised if it is the same problem between circles and circle markers.

EDIT 2:It's been a while, but someone just liked this, so I feel like I should inform you that in the end, these didn't play nice together. I didn't have the time to really tinker with it, so I was forced to remove the leaflet circles and pass on the project with a recommendation that it might just be easier to plug in Google Maps. Hope that's helpful.