Loading page in flask web app while scraping another website using selenium Loading page in flask web app while scraping another website using selenium flask flask

Loading page in flask web app while scraping another website using selenium

I found the answer myself to my question.I am not a web programmer so I lack some automatism sometimes, but by inspecting my waiting page, I saw an error in the JS script in the concat function.Calling '{{fun}}' in the script instead of {{fun}} did the thing.

I didn't understand this behavior since my object fun is a python string, but I read the jinja2 doc and all became lucid to me, we can see in this link https://jinja.palletsprojects.com/en/2.10.x/templates/ the following:

{{ ... }} for Expressions to print to the template output

This prints the value, so it is no longer a string but raw text in html template.(type(print(x)) is None in python3 btw)

If this helps someone then I'm glad.