Method Not Allowed flask error 405 Method Not Allowed flask error 405 flask flask

Method Not Allowed flask error 405

This is because you only allow POST requests when defining your route.

When you visit /registrazione in your browser, it will do a GET request first. Only once you submit the form your browser will do a POST. So for a self-submitting form like yours, you need to handle both.


@app.route('/registrazione', methods=['GET', 'POST']) 

should work.

Just for people reading on it now.You have to render the /registrazione first, befor you can access the form data. Just write.

@app.route("/registrazione")    def render_registrazione() -> "html":        return render_template("registrazione.html")

before you define def registration(). Sequence is key. You can't access data before the even are available. This is my understanding of the problem.

Example of a flask app using wsgi with JQuery, Ajax and json:

from flask import Flask, jsonifyapplication = Flask(__name__, static_url_path='')@application.route('/')def activecalls():    return application.send_static_file('activecalls/active_calls_map.html')@application.route('/_getData', methods=['GET', 'POST'])def getData():    #hit the data, package it, put it into json.    #ajax would have to hit this every so often to get latest data.    arr = {}    arr["blah"] = []    arr["blah"].append("stuff");    return jsonify(response=arr)if __name__ == '__main__':

Javascript json, /static/activecalls/active_calls_map.html:

<script src=""></script><script>$.ajax({    //url : "",    url : "",    type: "POST",    data : formData,    datatype : "jsonp",    success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR)    {        //data - response from server         alert("'" + data.response.blah + "'");    },    error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)    {         alert("error: " + errorThrown);    }});</script>

When you run this. The alert box prints: "stuff".