Mixed content: page at https was loaded over https but requested an insecure Mixed content: page at https was loaded over https but requested an insecure flask flask

Mixed content: page at https was loaded over https but requested an insecure

Take a look into your .js file, make sure that you are using the right ajax URL (//your_site.com/handler, instead of http://your_site.com/handler), for instance:

$.ajax({url:'//your_site.com/handler',dataType:'json',type:'get',success: function(data){...},complete:function(xhr, textStatus){...}});

Mixed Content is a security policy employed by current browsers, and its goal is to prevent leaking information fetched over "secure" HTTPS to non-secure contexts. Therefore, a site served with HTTPS must use HTTPS or other TLS-enabled protocols to fetch content.

The URI prefix for Websockets over TLS is wss, and for plain Websockets ws. At least Chromium and Firefox consider https+ws mixed content, and deny such setting - therefore wss should be used as the URI prefix in secure/HTTPS contexts instead of ws.