Multiple subdomains allowed in the same blueprint Multiple subdomains allowed in the same blueprint flask flask

Multiple subdomains allowed in the same blueprint

Don't define the blueprint's prefix and subdomain where you are doing it currently, define it like so:

mod = Blueprint('landing', __name__)

Then, simply register the blueprint two times, one for each subdomain:

app.register_blueprint(mod, subdomain='pt', url_prefix='/')app.register_blueprint(mod, subdomain='br', url_prefix='/')


The problem with the given solution, as stated by OP, is that the first registered blueprint will take priority when using url_for in templates.

A quick workaround could be doing something like this when registering:

app.register_blueprint(mod, subdomain='br') = 'landing_pt'    app.register_blueprint(mod, subdomain='pt')

Note that the order this is done with is important (first register one, then change the name, then register the other one).

Then, for url_for to work as expected with both subdomains, it is important to use relative redirects like url_for('.index') instead of url_for('landing.index').

By changing the name of the blueprint for the second registration we trick Flask into thinking this is a different blueprint.

Suggestions welcome to better this kind of dirty workaround.