'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cursor' 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cursor' flask flask

'NoneType' object has no attribute 'cursor'

The error occurs because mysql.connection is None. It doesn't matter here what type of object mysql is.

The Flask-MySQL documentation for MySQL.connection tells you when that attribute is going to be None:

Attempts to connect to the MySQL server.

Returns: Bound MySQL connection object if successful or None if unsuccessful.

So the attempt to connect to the server could have failed. The extension will open a connection to MySQL once per request; it failed to connect on a separate request from the one that succeeded.

Looking at the source code for the extension I see that it'll also return None when there is no app context (at which point _app_ctx_stack.top is None). You can't use this function outside of a request.

If you do need this outside of a request, you need to manually create an app context first:

with app.app_context():    cur = mysql.connection.cursor()

These errors occur when your DB connection is not established. So please check your DB connection method and properties and then try to execute.