OAuth throws "missing code validator" in Google OAuth2 OAuth throws "missing code validator" in Google OAuth2 flask flask

OAuth throws "missing code validator" in Google OAuth2

This seems to be a bug in the 0.4.0 version of google-auth-oauthlib (see this upstream issue; note that it has been reported after this SO question was posted).

You have the following options:

  1. As a workaround, you can downgrade the used version:
    pip install --upgrade google-auth-oauthlib==0.3.0
  2. Pass a custom code verifier when instantiating google_auth_oauthlib.flow.Flow(), which should be a random string of 43-128 characters used to verify the key exchange using PKCE:
    oauth2_session, client_config = google_auth_oauthlib.helpers.session_from_client_secrets_file(    'client_secret.json',    scopes=['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file']),)flow = google_auth_oauthlib.flow.Flow(    oauth2_session,    client_type='web',    client_config=client_config,    redirect_uri='https://localhost:5000/oauth2callback/',    code_verifier='<random string>')
    Note: The code is for your login() function. You will have to slightly adjust it to work in your oauth2callback() function.
  3. Wait until the bug is fixed in upstream (provided that it is a bug). After that, the code verifier will be auto-generated when not provided.

Based on s3rvac's answer, I dug a bit into the source code and found that the code_verifier property is in fact auto generated in the authorization_url() method! So no need to generate one yourself.

In your login() method, after the call to flow.authorization_url(), store flow.code_verifier in the session:

authorization_url, state = flow.authorization_url(        access_type='offline',         include_granted_scopes='true')  # code_verifier is set in this methodsession['code_verifier'] = flow.code_verifier  # Get and store the codesession['state'] = statereturn redirect(authorization_url)

Then, in the callback method, just load it back:

flow = google_auth_oauthlib.flow.Flow(    oauth2_session,    client_type='web',    client_config=client_config,    redirect_uri='https://localhost:5000/oauth2callback/',    code_verifier=session.get('code_verifier')  # Load the code)

I use Flow.from_client_config() to construct a Flow but I just add this line and it works fine:

flow.code_verifier = session.get('code_verifier')