Override Flask-Security's /login endpoint Override Flask-Security's /login endpoint flask flask

Override Flask-Security's /login endpoint

Funnily enough, I've come across a very similar problem today.If I manage to resolve it in a way I'd consider elegant enough for an SO answer, I'll update this. In the meantime, my thoughts on strategies for approaching the problem are:

  1. Subclass flask-security and overload only the @login_required decorator to redirect you to the right place. Probably quickest, if the redirection is the only issue you're having.
  2. If you're solely using Oauth, then use an alternative decorator to replace @login_required. Flask-OAuthlib is a useful library for oath stuff and the documents show you how to protect a resource using the `@oauth.require_oauth' decorator.

Flask-Stormpath is a commercial solution and I'm not familiar enough to comment on whether it covers this particular ground, so I shan't recommend it as a possible approach. However for background reading they have a useful overview of the authentication hornets nest associated with Flask.

You may want to override the original Flask-Security's login view. Something like this:

my_blueprint = Blueprint('my_blueprint', __name__)@bp.route('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])@anonymous_user_requireddef my_login_view():    # Do whatever you want to do here. Try to find inspiration in the original codeapp = Flask(__name__)app.register_blueprint(my_blueprint)# You will need to define User and Role classes, see Flask-Security's documentationuser_datastore = SQLAlchemyUserDatastore(db, User, Role)security = Security(app, user_datastore)

And that's it. If you want to use the Flask-Security's original HTML template, you will need to override it as well (see Flask-Security's documentation). There you just place your own view instead of the old one:

...<form action="{{ url_for('my_blueprint.my_login') }}" method="POST" name="login_user_form">...