Pass variable to Python Flask form Pass variable to Python Flask form flask flask

Pass variable to Python Flask form

You can solve this problem by using the global context variable g. The trick is not to use the builtin validator but a custom validator. The reason is that the builtin validator is a factory function. This means the validationMessage function you pass to it will only be executed on class creation. If you build a custom validator and read the language from the global context variable it will work.

def custom_validator(form, field):    language = g.language    msg = Message.query.filter_by(title=message).first()    lang = Language.query.filter_by(abbr=language).first()    text = messageBody.query.filter_by(,    if not len(        raise validators.ValidationError(text)

Replace the validator in your form with the custom validator:

class messageForm(FlaskForm):    title = StringField('title', validators=[custom_validator])

In the view function just create the language property for the global context variable.

# Messages@admin.route('/<string:language>/message', methods=['GET'])def messageView(language='dk')    g.language = language    form=messageForm()    ...