PGadmin4 on Kubernetes: Session invalidated when using ELB PGadmin4 on Kubernetes: Session invalidated when using ELB flask flask

PGadmin4 on Kubernetes: Session invalidated when using ELB

PGadmin 4 seems to use Flask-Security for authentication:

pgAdmin utilised the Flask-Security module to manage application security and users, and provides options for self-service password reset and password changes etc.

Flask-Security seems to use Flask-Login:

Many of these features are made possible by integrating various Flask extensions and libraries. They include: Flask-Login ...

Flask-Login seems to have a feature called "session protection":

When session protection is active, each request, it generates an identifier for the user’s computer (basically, a secure hash of the IP address and user agent). If the session does not have an associated identifier, the one generated will be stored. If it has an identifier, and it matches the one generated, then the request is OK.

I would assume setting login_manager.session_protection = None would solve the issue, but unfortunately I don't know how to set it in PGadmin. Hope it might help you somehow.

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