Pytest: setup testclient and DB Pytest: setup testclient and DB flask flask

Pytest: setup testclient and DB

You must be using flask-sqlalchemy, behind the scenes, it uses the declarative extension to define your models.

By subclassing a sqlalchemy declarative base class, sqlalchemy will generate Table and mapper for you, newly created table info stores in the corresponding Metadata obj. db.create_all() actually is metadata.create_all(), which will only create tables stored in the metadata.

Therefore, before you try to create a table with metadata.create_all, you have to store the info of that table into the metadata registry first, which equals to define a declarative base subclass. In python, this means to get your class definition code executed, which in turns, import the module the classes defined.

I found the solution.

@dmitrybelyakov was quite close to it:

importing the model was the hint.

What does not work:

from application.model import Order

What does work:

from application.model import *

I don't know exactly, why it does not work to import a single model, but finally it's running. Here my complete fixture:

import pytestfrom config import TestingConfigfrom application import create_app, dbfrom application.models import *# ############################ ## functional tests# ###########################@pytest.fixture(scope='module')def test_client():    app = create_app(TestingConfig)    # Flask provides a way to test your application by exposing the Werkzeug     # test Client and handling the context locals for you.    testing_client = app.test_client()    with app.app_context():        db.create_all()        yield testing_client  # this is where the testing happens!        db.drop_all()