Python connexion not displaying Swagger UI Python connexion not displaying Swagger UI flask flask

Python connexion not displaying Swagger UI

connexion from 2.0.1 version onward don't have swagger-ui bundled inside it. You have install it explicitly using the below command (note the quotes)

pip install 'connexion[swagger-ui]'

Once you install it. swagger will work with connexion. In the earlier version swagger used to work with /ui added to your url at the end http(s)://host:port

But in 2.0.x onward use http(s)://host:port/<basepath>/ui

My stackoverflow reputation is too low for me to comment on Ashraff Ali Wahab's answer above but I just found out that I can edit it myself. Suffice it to say that it fixed the problem for me after I understood that the shell syntax, as presented, is wrong which was pointed out by Pablo Marin-Garcia. This is the shell syntax you need in Unix/Linux to properly install the swagger-ui plugin:

pip install 'connexion[swagger-ui]'

Any matched quotes will do. Note well that without the quotes, the pip command will run successfully but it won't install the swagger-ui component as you expect it to. Furthermore, I spent a lot of time scratching my head on this one because I did this in a virtualenv. I also searched the virtualenv for the swagger-ui component with find and I found some stub installed. So, if you are new to python or you are in a hurry, this can be easy to miss.

At the end of the day, I decided to add a local_requirement.txt file listing the correct version of Werzueg, connexion, and "connexion[swagger-ui]" which I install before using the stock requirements.txt because it seems like the Flask API code generated by the SmartBear tools is a little dated.

I had the same problem. I solved it with

pip install pathlib swagger_ui_bundle