Python-dotenv could not parse statement starting at line 2 Python-dotenv could not parse statement starting at line 2 flask flask

Python-dotenv could not parse statement starting at line 2

Make sure your .env file only contains data in the following format:

MY_ENV_VAR = value

Anything other than this and you will get NoneType if you are trying to retrieve them.

When you are trying to retrieve these you can do the following:

from pathlib import Pathfrom dotenv import load_dotenvenv_path = Path('.', '.env')load_dotenv(dotenv_path=env_path)my_env_var = os.getenv('MY_ENV_VAR')

The env_path is simply the path to your .env file. The '.' is the root directory of your app. You can even pass it in the dotenv_path argument like '\path\to\your\.env' e.g. load_dotenv(dotenv_path='\path\to\your\.env').


If you are adding it in your terminal, make sure there is no whitespace around the = sign. For instance:


$ export MY_ENV_VAR=value


> set MY_ENV_VAR=value 

I'm seeing this too. It happens if the last line in the .env file is empty.

Some quick testing shows that it appeared in 0.10.4; with 0.10.3 no warning is displayed.

This may helps

For me the problem disappeared when I deleted space after equality sign and removed apostrophes (') and quotation marks (") from my .env file. So instead of this .env:

FOO = 'something'BAR = "something_else"

Try changing .env to:
