Python File object to Flask's FileStorage Python File object to Flask's FileStorage flask flask

Python File object to Flask's FileStorage

I needed to use the flask FileStorage object for a utility outside of the testing framework and the application itself, essentially replicating how uploading a file works using a form. This worked for me.

from werkzeug.datastructures import FileStoragefile = Nonewith open('document-test/test.pdf', 'rb') as fp:    file = FileStorage(fp)'document-test/test_new.pdf')

The get and post methods of the Flask test client invoke werkzeug.test.EnvironBuilder under the hood - so if you pass in a dictionary as the keyword argument data with your file you should be able to work with it then:

def test_upload():    with open("document-test/test.pdf", "rb") as your_file:"/upload", data={"expected_file_key": your_file})        # Your test here

@neurosnap 's answer got me started but didn't quite work. The following did...

file_loc = open('./tests/sample data/2 Candidates.csv', 'rb')file = werkzeug.datastructures.FileStorage(file_loc)'document-test/test_new.pdf')file_loc.close()

Python throws an error if you don't close the file at the end.