Python Flask Application Manager Python Flask Application Manager flask flask

Python Flask Application Manager

Unfortunately, the deployment story for Python / WSGI is not quite as neat as Java's WAR file based deployment. (And, while Python is not Java that doesn't mean that WAR file deployments aren't nice). So you don't have anything that will quite match your expectations there - but you may be able to cobble together something similar.

First, you'll want a web server that can easily load and unload WSGI applications without requiring a server restart - the one that immediately jumps to mind is uwsgi in emperor mode (and here's an example setup).

Second, you need a consistent way lay out your applications so the WSGI file can be picked up / generated. Something as simple as always having a root-level app.wsgi file that can be copied to the directory being watched by uwsgi will do.

Third, you'll need a script that can take a web application folder / virtualenv and move / symlink it to the "available applications" folder. You'll need another one that can add / symlink, touch (to restart) and remove (to shutdown) the app.wsgi files from the directory(ies) that uwsgi is watching for new vassel applications. If you need to run it across multiple machines (or even just one remote machine) you could use Fabric.

Fourth and finally, you'll need a little web application to enable you to manage the WSGI files for these available applications without using the command line. Since you just spent all this time building some infrastructure for it, why not use Flask and deploy it on itself to make sure everything works?

It's not a pre-built solution, but hopefully this at least points you in the right direction.