python-requests post with unicode filenames python-requests post with unicode filenames flask flask

python-requests post with unicode filenames

I think maybe there's confusion here on encoding here -

eng_file_name = 'a.txt'  # ASCII encoded, by default in Python 2heb_file_name = u'א.txt'  # NOT UTF-8 Encoded - just a unicode object

To send the second one to the server what you want to do is this:'http://localhost:5000/', files={'file0': open(heb_file_name.encode('utf-8'), 'rb')})

I'm a little surprised that it doesn't throw an error on the client trying to open the file though - you see nothing on the client end indicating an error?

EDIT: An easy way to confirm or deny my idea is of course to print out the contents from inside the client to ensure it's being read properly.

I workaround this issue by manually reading the file with read() and then posting its contents:, files={    'file': ("photo.jpg", open(path_with_unicode_filename, 'rb').read())})

Try this workaround:filename.encode("utf-8").decode("iso-8859-1").

Example:"", files={"file":    ("中文filename.txt".encode("utf-8").decode("iso-8859-1"), fobj, mimetype)})

I post this because this is my first result when searching python requests post filename encoding.

There are lots of RFC standards about Content-Disposition encoding.And it seems that different programs implement this part differently.

See stackoverflow: lots of RFCs and application tests, RFC 2231 - 4, email.utils.encode_rfc2231.

Java version answer here.