Python web application project structure and docker support Python web application project structure and docker support flask flask

Python web application project structure and docker support

I would use docker-compose and do something like this example docker-compose.yml

web-app:    build: .    links:         - postgresql         - rabbitmq    volumes_from:         - configconfig:    build: .    dockerfile: dockerfiles/Dockerfile.configpostgresql:    image: postgres:9.4    volumes_from:        - postgresql-datapostgresql-data:    build: dockerfiles/postgresql-data/nginx:    build: .    dockerfile: dockerfiles/Dockerfile.nginx    links:        - web-apprabbitmq:    image: rabbitmq:3.5celery-worker:    build: .    dockerfile: dockerfiles/Dockerfile.celery-worker    links:        - rabbitmq

web-app will use the default Dockerfile in the project_root/, all the other services will use a named dockerfile in a subdirectory (they can really be placed anywhere you want, they could be in the root as well). As long as the build points at the root directory they will have access to all the files.

I would put your application configuration into a separate container and use volumes_from to make it available to the application, so that you can use the same stateless app container with different configurations.

I think this satisfies all your requirements.