return bool as POST response using flask [duplicate] return bool as POST response using flask [duplicate] flask flask

return bool as POST response using flask [duplicate]

You should consider sending json data.

return json.dumps(True)

You're not returning valid JSON. In JSON the boolean is lowercase, "true". You can use json.dumps to generate the correct JSON serialization of a value. You should also set the content type of the response to application/json. Use app.response_class to build a response.

from flask import jsonreturn app.response_class(json.dumps(True), content_type='application/json')

Typically, you would send more than a single value as the response. Flask provides jsonify as a shortcut to return a JSON object with the keys and values you pass it. (It's been improved in Flask dev version to handle other data besides objects.)

from flask import jsonifyreturn jsonify(result=True, id=id)